Flembukit and Nigel Rancid
are some interesting-looking dudes. Must be a couple of real losers
since they seem to be dateless. Of course, that won't be a problem
for you once word gets around that you've hit this planet. Singent
and Nigel are hired thugs working for the evil Sharpei. She ordered
the abduction of Roger Wilco. |
The Dew Beam Inn Manager
looks like he's an expert on energy conservation, mainly his. He
looks friendly now, try to keep it that way. This guy is real sleazy.
I'm sure StarCon didn't forget to book a room for Roger. It's kust
another "smart marketing technique" to fool the weak.
Too bad Roger fits nicely into that category. Oooh well. |
Pa Conshohocken
is the proprietor of Boot Liquor. He sits behind the counter by
his favorite possession - something he values greater than his own
life - the cash register. Pa's been in business for quite a while,
as his grizzled look might attest. |
The Orion's Belt bartender
quick look indicates that the bartender is physically well-balanced
and adroid, a good combination for his profession. The shirt would
further indicate that he has the mentality for it. |
fast and skilled, Djurkwhad has spent hours behind the Stooge Fighter
3 arcade game perfecting his moves, both secret and finish moves.
He's famous for not having lost so much as one game. It's rumored
Djurkwhad has connections with the slave colonies on Irregion V. |
Elmo Pug
has definitely taken a turn for the worse. After Roger kicked Elmo's
butt in that Nukem Dukem robot, Elmo was the laughing stock around
Scumsoft, marking his last days. Oooh well, if that hadn't gotten
Elmo, some of his creative management techniques would have. These
days, Elmo has got to maintain a fairly modest profile, I guess
you could say. Time heals wounds and all that. You can find him
stumbling around the streets of Polysorbate LX, searching for a
bottle of his favorite hooch (Coldsorian Brandy), while smelling
like a barfed out space pork. Elmo is humiliated to admit that he
is, on rare occasion, resorted to selling cheat sheets for arcade
games. |
Fester Blatz
Can it be? Why, yes, it is. It's Fester, Fester Blatz. Former owner
and proprietor of Fester's World O' Wonders, a cheesy little tourist
trap on the desert planetoid of Pleebhut. The t-shirt looks - and,
unfortunately, smells - like the same one he wore on Phleebhut.
He has the expression of someone enjoying a permanent wedgie. He
has aged somewhat. Looks like he's grown a few more neck rings.
These last few years have been rough on him. From what you remember
of him, he used to be kind of an aqua blue. Now he looks like a
used LungLiner or the color of a Vorillian miner's loogie.
Fester's from a rare rhinosupian species where the babies are born,
but climb into their parents' cavernous noses where they continue
to grow until they fall out from their sheer weight (Or from a real
good sneeze from their parental unit). He apparently decided to
set up "Implants 'n Stuff" after years of solitude on
that plantetoid Phleebhut. Well, let's hope he strikes rich here
on Polysorbate LX. Fat chance, I'm sure. |
The Endodroid
new version of Endodroids are made of liquid metal called Droidium.
Blaine Rohmer is after this particular specimen because it made
some people mad: It jumped out of its program and kind of killed
and/or mangled a score or so of co-workers and, more importantly,
management personnel. A big no-no. No big deal, Blaine Rohmer just
has to take him in for analysis and processing. |
Blaine Rohmer - The Endodroid Runner
person is shrouded in secrecy. We do know that Blaine is an endodroid
hunter for Spore Inc. He offered our janitor 50 buckazoids if Roger
could help him out with catching this particular violent Endodroid. |
Corpsman Stellar Santiago
must have had a major malfunction when he hooked up with this girl.
But you know what they say: "The looks aren't everything".
Guess it can be blamed on Roger's dumb luck that he had a chance
- a once-in-a-life-time-experience - to explore her inner-side.
Boy, can you image Roger was just a tiny bit disappointed after
that Inner Voyage? Whatever one might think of Stellar, she sure
is loyal towards her friends. |
Jebba the Hop
just one of those StarCon Sickbay people who do just about anything
by the book in hopes of promotion... Jebba the Hop isn't one of
those people who think rules are meant to be broken.. But he'll
bend one or two anyway if you know what to offer him (he's a sucker
for those "free plunge jobs"). Did I mention he had to
remove those two ugly looking tattoo's from his upper arms to join
StarCon? |
Feline Chief of the Deepship 86. Kielbasa is a StarCon Captain with
a manual. Goes to where no cat has gone before ONLY if you bring
along his litter box (a man, I mean cat, just has to have his private
place to think up brilliant idea's) and his Basket/Command Module
(which comes complete with electrical sockets and the Gravis Gamepad)...
punishments of his bad combat decisions during the famous Telecommunications
Wars some years ago, StarCon vowed to punish Kielbasa when they
thought the time was right. And that time came when Roger Wilco,
our most beloved janitor (Sanitation Engineer please), was decommissioned
from his Captain rank and was sent to resume his duties as Janitor
Second Class onboard Kielbasa's ship. Those StarCon superiors are
so inventive. |
Admiral Toolman
he was a Rear-Admiral in the days when Admiral's Blundtphang served
StarCon, Toolman was actually nothing but a little coffee boy /
butt kisser (the true reason why this guy was ever promoted to Rear-Admiral
in the first place). What's with the Terminator eye thing, you ask?
Spilling hot boiling coffee all over the place just doesn't do good.
Spilling it in zero gravity is even worse, let me tell ya. It was
only after Blundtphang's death that Toolman was promoted to Admiral. |
widow of the famous StarCon Admiral Blundtphang is involved in building
the Golden Lightyear off-world retirement community. Sharpei is
extremely fearful of dying and it is rumored she's working on a
project called "Immortality". As the Popular Jantronics
once perfectly stated: "Immortality, a process by which rich
old farts can become young again at someone else' expense."
She mysteriously disappeared some time ago. |
security flop and old friend of Kielbasa. His life motto? "Follow
your nose if you can't see anything." And his nose just happens
to point right down to his.... Uuhmm....
good thinking! |
Circuit Sidney
of the few friends Roger has aboard the Deepship 86. Sidney is programmed
to be loyal towards good willing fellow deck-mates aboard the Deepship...
Guess those MicroSoft Quality Assurance guys still do a pretty shitty
job in the 23rd century. Sidney is always willing to lend friend
a hand... Literally.
Shuttle Bay Guards
it's Opus and Chesbro guarding that Shuttle Bay Entrance. Nobody
knows why the entrance needs guarding in the first place. |
Manual Auxverride
95,2% certain of his action, Manual is the perfect solution for
most of your Hammster Shuttle problems. Ask him stuff like: "How
can I burn CD's?" or "How can I print a word document?"
and you'll soon find this guy is a lot more helpful than his virtual
grandfather called "Clippy". |
Dr. Belleauxs
Belleauxs was Sharpei's faithful side kick and the genius behind
Project Immortality. He fell for her... Correction, he fell for
her hard. And although he knew the things he did for Sharpei
were wrong, Dr. Belleauxs continued to carry out his work for her
in the name of love. When Roger managed to make Dr. Belleauxs realize
how wrong Project Immortality was, Belleauxs helped Roger undoing
his evil work. |
Sis Inny
You bet your bitmap it is! It's Sis Inny, the Information Superhighway
Office Receptionist (ISOR) and 64 by 64 pixel momma (This image
is only 49X48 though). How boring. |