Quest 1 Soundtrack
an avid Space Quest 1 EGA player, I always thought playing the VGA
version wasn't all that much fun. Later I realized that I wasn't
giving the remake enough attention to see that it too had its good
points. One of the things I liked about Space Quest 1 VGA right
from the start was the music made by Ken Allen, Mark Seibert and
Orpeus Hanley. It's without a doubt the one thing that boosts the
is the most complete Space Quest 1 VGA soundtrack ever done. It
has been recorded and edited by Alistair Gillett and Brandon Blume,
and I owe them my ever lasting gratitude for creating this soundtrack
for my site. If you don't know where to start, may I recommend the
Rocket Bar Theme 3- Madonna (1,6 MB)
to you? Comes complete with her "beautiful" voice.
Introduction (2,1 MB) 2 minutes
and 21 seconds
SQ1_02- The Deltaur
Intercepts (940 KB) 1 minute
SQ1_03- Arcada Hallways
(2,2 MB) 2 minutes and 28 seconds *
SQ1_04- The Lab Scientist
(1,4 MB) 1 minute and 37 seconds
The Star Generator Development Laboratory (684
KB) 43 seconds
SQ1_06- Arcada Lower
Levels (696 KB) 44 seconds *
SQ1_07- Arcada Airlock
(476 KB) 30 seconds
SQ1_08- Countdown!
(Roger Dies 1) (792 KB) 49 seconds
SQ1_09- Thrusting
Through Space (716 KB) 45 seconds
This Button Is Not To Be Pushed At Anytime (Roger Dies 2)
(892 KB) 57 seconds
SQ1_11- The Autonav
Button (1 MB) 1 minute and 11 seconds
SQ1_12- Skeleton Remains
(2 MB) 2 minutes and 15 seconds
SQ1_13- Underground Cave
(2,3 MB) 2 minutes and 33 seconds
Two Guys Commentary (Roger Dies 4) (1,8
MB) 1 minute and 59 seconds
SQ1_15- Hologram
(Bad Translation) (1,7 MB) 1 minute
and 51 seconds
SQ1_16- Sarien Spider
Droid (552 KB) 35 seconds
SQ1_17- Orat's Cave
(852 KB) 55 seconds
Hologram Part 2 (Proving Orat's Death) (2,4
MB) 2 minutes 39 seconds
SQ1_19- Keronian Leader
(1,3 MB) 1 minute and 39 seconds
SQ1_20- The Data
Cartridge (2,1 MB) 2 minutes and
20 seconds
SQ1_21- Skimmer Theme
(1,5 MB) 1 minute and 39 seconds *
SQ1_22- Ulence Flats
(460 KB) 29 seconds
SQ1_23- A Business
Proposition (1,3 MB) 1 minute and
28 seconds
Rocket Bar Theme 1- ZZ Top (1,6 MB)
1 minute 49 seconds *
Rocket Bar Theme 2- The Blues Brothers (1,9
MB) 2 minutes and 8 seconds
Rocket Bar Theme 3- Madonna (1,6 MB)
1 minute 46 seconds
SQ1_27- Droids B Us
(1,4 MB) 1 minute and 32 seconds
SQ1_28- Tiny's
Used Spaceships (1,8 MB) 2 minutes
and 3 seconds
SQ1_29- SQ4 Timepod
Appearance (1,6 MB) 1 minute and
49 seconds
SQ1_30- Asteroid Belt
(728 KB) 46 seconds
SQ1_31- The Deltaur (788
KB) 50 seconds
SQ1_32- Outside
The Deltaur (772 KB) 49 seconds
SQ1_33- Deltaur Airlock
(1 MB) 1 minute and 6 seconds
SQ1_34- The Mystery
Box Ride (976 KB) 1 minute and
2 seconds
SQ1_35- Deltaur Hallways
(1,1 MB) 1 minute and 10 seconds
SQ1_36- Closing Theme
(3,8 MB) 4 minutes and 15 seconds
a bonus I've added 10 extra tracks for you to enjoy. Although they
aren't exactly songs, you can't afford to miss them. Also, I've
included a special version of the Rocket Bar Theme with ZZ Top,
done by Brandon Blume!
Leaving The Arcada (338 KB) 24
Touching Down On Kerona (208 KB)
13 seconds
SQ1_bonus3- The
Elevator Ride (340 KB) 21 seconds
SQ1_bonus4- Acid Pool
(180 KB) 11 seconds
A Big Rock (Roger Dies 5) (240 KB)
15 seconds
Slots O Death (Roger Dies 6) (672 KB)
42 seconds
SQ1_bonus7- The Fire
Droid (308 KB) 19 seconds
Deltaur Ventilation System (344 KB)
21 seconds
SQ1_bonus9 The
Weapons Droid (264 KB) 16 seconds
Stolen Star Generator (280 KB)
17 seconds
SQ1_24B- Rocket Bar Them 1- ZZ Top (Studio Version) (1,3
MB) 1 minute and 25 seconds
file size: 54,5 MB |