and Videos
a Break Pinball (3,91 MB)
This is a pinball game from Dynamic featuring the popular Sierra
games (Leisure Suit Larry, King's Quest). It also has a pinball
level of Space Quest IV! I've tested this game and it doesn't seem
to work properly in Windows 2000 (and I guess it won't work properly
in XP either). It worked fine in Windows 98. Please read the "installing
help" text file I made.
Inside Copy (the
zip archive is 44.9 MB and contains one AVI file.)
It's that wicked Current Inside Copy video from the Space Quest Collection!
Barry T. Smith is trying to bring you an interview with the people
who bring you the popular Space Quest Series. The
movie looks just as good as the original file from the Space
Quest Collection, but is much smaller. Suitable for all video
properties: Cinepak 156 X 120 pixels. Sound
properties: mono 22.05 kHz, 8 bits.
9 minutes and 7 seconds.
those of you who are interested, here's a transcript of the original
German as well as my translation attempt:
Sabine Duvall's project team converts Sierra games into foreign
languages for distribution all over the world.
B: Sabine, I'm told Space Quest has done quite well abroad.
S: Ja, Space Quest, das war so eine Sache für sich. Ich bin
froh, dass ich das überlebt habe. Die Sache war eine der schlimmsten
Übersetzungen, die ich überhaupt je habe machen müssen.
Schwierigkeitsgrad Nummer 1. Man kann sich überhaupt nicht
vorstellen, was für einen Mist man da alles hat übersetzen
müssen. Überhaupt nichts, das irgendwie miteinander zusammen
stimmt. Alles war wie als müsste man von vorne anfangen. Ich
hab da --- Mensch, Meier --- was hab ich nach Übersetzern gesucht,
wo ich was richtig rauskriegen soll, aber ist da was gekommen? Nein!
Musste ich alles selber machen! Also wie verrückt! Die ganze
Sache ist total verrückt. Mach ich nicht nochmal.
Space Quest, that was quite a thing of its own. I'm glad I survived
that. The whole thing was one of the worst translations I ever had
to do. Difficulty level number one. You can't imagine the kind of
crap you had to translate. There was nothing that fit together;
everything was as if you had to start all over. My, the time I've
spent looking for translators, when I had to find out what something
meant... but did something come of it? No! I had to do everything
by myself! Crazy! The whole thing was totally fucked up. I'm not
going to do that again.)
Uh, so how about that Scott Murphy?
S: Scott Murphy? Scott Murphy? Da brauchst du mir gar nicht mit
zu kommen. Der Junge, der ist ein Mistkerl. Mit dem will ich nichts
mehr zu tun haben. Der Mann hat mich so blamiert in Europa, das
kann man sich überhaupt nicht vorstellen. Europa --- ich bin
doch nur noch, wie man I'm Englischen sagt, "laughing stock
of Europe". Und das ist nämlich das schlimmste, was man
machen kann: mich so zu ruinieren in Europa. Nein, ich hab jetzt
die Nase voll. Ich hab keine Lust mehr. Das reicht mir jetzt. Also,
so ein Mistscheiß hier! Scott Murphy, ich bin doch nicht bekloppt
und rede über den Typen! Aus dem Weg hier, was soll denn die
Scheiße! Also ich bin weg. Also dann, auf Wiedersehen.
(Scott Murphy? Don't get me started on that one. That guy is a crook.
I don't want to have anything to with him. The way this guy embarassed
me in Europe, you can't even begin to imagine. I'm just... how do
they say it in English --- the laughing stock of Europe. And that's
the worst thing you can do: to ruin me in Europe. I'm fed up now.
I've had enough of this. What kind of crap is this anyway? Scott
Murphy, do you think I'm an idiot, asking me to talk about this
guy? Outta my way! What's this shit all about anyway? I'm gone.
So long, good bye.)

(593 KB)
Download this Windows program and you can listen to the resource.aud
files from Space Quest 4 and 5, the only *.AUD files that are not
cool mix of all kinds of Space Quest songs (6,55MB)
This is a high quality MP3 song of 7 minutes in length! Don't you
just sit there, download it!
Space Quest Screensaver (269 KB)
This is a very cool screensaver for Windows. It shows Roger crawling
through the caves and tunnels of the planet Labion. It's easy to
install, easy to remove, so lets give it a try, shall we?
History of Space Quest (33,5 KB)
This is from the Space Quest Collection. It contains tons of information
about Space Quest and stuff. The file is a Windows help database
file, so you need Windows to run it.
SQFAQ Created by Troels Pleimert (87,2
This huge text document contains almost every fact there is about
Space Quest. This includes interviews with the designers, very cool
funfacts and background information.
Quest 6 Copyright Protection (130
Released by Sierra. Can't break the homing beacon codes? Here they
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