Quest 2 Soundtrack
Quest 2 (aka "The King's Quest set in outer space") has
always been the "black sheep" of the series. One can argue
about several things, but a real loss is the lack of music (although
Space Quest 1 EGA also didn't feature real music, the VGA remake
did). When playing Space Quest 2, the music and special effects
were produced by the pathetic sounding PC-speaker. I must admit
the PC-speaker DOES give the game a kinda kinky feeling, but that
must be the nostalgia surrounding the whole thing. But let's face
it, the PC-speaker is no match against the mighty soundcards and
sound modules like the Adlib, the Roland MT-32 etc. But at the time
Space Quest 2 was released, soundcards didn't even exist! Mind you,
the first Space Quest with true music was Space Quest 3, and that
was a culture shock in PC land, I can assure you. So, basically
the Two Guys couldn't really help it, but

IBM songs
The Intro (1.2 MB) 1 minute and
23 seconds
SQ2_02 The Death Theme (244
KB) 17 seconds
SQ2_03 The Vohaul Theme (196
KB) 13 seconds
file size: 1.6 MB
note: these files are Ogg Vorbis files, an improved sound format.
You should be able to play these files using WinAmp.
For those lucky few who own a MacIntosh, you can download a free
QuickTime plug-in from this
site. Simply put the component it into your LIBRARY -> QUICKTIME
folder to make it work. More information can be found at

Apple IIgs songs
The following
mp3's were created by playing the PC version of SQ2 on the Apple
IIgs-emulator Kegs32 and plugging the output into a second PC, and
recording it (and encoding the wav's to mp3's). Since I never used
a real Apple IIgs I can't really say how close to the real thing
this is. It cracks, pops and hisses quite a bit.
those who didn't know, the Apple IIgs versions of Sierra's AGI games
sounds quite different from other platforms. Apart from the music
sounding better they also have sampled sound effects!
songs included in the zip file SQ2music-AppleIIgs
(2.20 MB):
- The Space Quest theme.
Death - Death tune.
MarrowMatic - This tune is played while Roger is being chased by
the Vohaul Marrow-Matic at the end. I don't think there is any music
at all there in other versions.

Tandy 1000 songs
The following
mp3's were created by playing the PC version of SQ2 on a Tandy 1000-emulator
and plugging the output into a second PC, and recording it (and
of course encoding the wav's to mp3's). Since I never used a real
Tandy 1000, I can't really say how close to the real thing this
is, but it sounds way better than single voice PC speaker anyway!
The SQ2 music sounds a bit odd in places so the emulation may not
be perfect.
those who didn't know, the Tandy 1000 & IBM PCjr where PC compatibles
which had different sound circuits from other PC's, as well as better
graphics (back when most PC's had 4 color CGA). All of Sierra's
AGI games support these sounds & graphic modes.
The songs included in the zip file SQ2music-Tandy1000
(1.05 MB):
- The Space Quest theme version 2.0!
Death - Death tune.