Quest 7 Design Sketches
the turbulent period in which Space Quest 7 was in production, many
Space Quest fans showed doubts if the game would work out. The SQ7
team tried to implement a multiplayer aspect which raises a valid
question: Does Space Quest and Multiplayer gaming mix? The fans
also asked themselves if 3-d graphics was the right way to go. After
all, many fans - old as new - were still stuck in the 256 colour
VGA era. Add to this the fact that Sierra was going through some
very rough weather. How was it possible that SQ7, with all its problems,
could have been a worthy addition to the Series?
Richard Powell, concept artist for the Space Quest 7 project, did
everything he could to make the game a success. Rich had drawn an
impressive amount of pictures for Space Quest 7 in the relatively
short time the project was in production. He kindly agreed to share
his awesome work with .
His sketches are scanned and then compressed into super JPG quality.
The size of the images might be a bit big, but I wanted to make
sure every detail was preserved. I've separated the images into
six categories for easy reference. Look at them and convince yourself
that Space Quest 7 would have been a success if it had seen the
light of day.
more work of Richard Powell, please visit
his website.

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