
isn't exactly the finest ship in Earnon but it does what it's designed
for. You can't say that of Roger (nor MS Windows), now can you?
Nobody exactly knows what happened to this ship after Roger jumped
into that time rip. This is a collector's item so I'm sure this
baby is worth some buckazoids over at the black market... |
Sequel Police Transport Patrol Shuttle
for short. The technology of this machines is far ahead of its time.
There are only a few of them out there, specially designed by Vohaul
to transport his Sequel Police in a matter of minutes to anywhere
on Xenon. It has a capacity to carry up to 6 Policemen. |
Vohaul's latest invention. On the inside of the pod you'll find
unshielded quark power cables. No telling what they're doing to
your DNA's genetic structures right now! It has two seats complete
with seatbelt and not-so-comfortable headrests. But hey, there
designed for Sequel Policemen, not for lazy janitors! Comes complete
with locked glove compartment full with instruction manuals, code
books and time maps. If only you knew the proper time codes...
The Submarine
isn't much to say about this vehicle. The submarine has a sporty
look to it, distinctly hydrodynamic compared to those fine vessels
you've traveled aboard recently. It is mainly used to travel from
and to the Latex Babes' hidden fortress deep within the Sea of Estros. |
Galaxy Galleria
24th century mall. While shopping at Sacks dump your kids in the
arcade, forget them, and let them play mindless shoot 'm ups for
weeks. I'm sure you'll get hungry after all that shopping, so
why not visit Monolith Burger? There are about 200 Galaxy Gallerias
out there, making the shopping experience more comfortable. Recently
sued by the Official Galactic Corrupted Master Court because the
dome has the nasty habit to crack easily (life forms and space
do not mix very well). So, what are you waiting for? Let's go