
Creakworm Wankmeister
G6 Quadrant's Ambassador to the Star Confederacy
Age: 29
Personality profile: Striking looks, a keen intellect, and a strong
personality have combined to make Beatrice Wankmeister one of the
most effective negotiators in the history of the G6 Quadrant's diplomatic
corps. An outspoken advocate on sentient species' rights and environmental
issues, Beatrice's vigorous activities in these areas have led to
several legislative measures and two stellar protocols, including
one on hazardous waste disposal. Beatrice's natural inclination
to speak her mind has been tempered, but not eliminated, by her
years of service in the diplomatic corps. She has gone after the
interstellar consortiums with dogged tenacity that, at times, bordered
on the obsessive. Beatrice is currently single, having little time
or interest for anything but her work. |
Raems Tipper Quirk
Captain, SCS Goliath
Age: 38
Personality profile: His physical image is flawless, the archetypal
Fleet space hero, all good looks, perfect hair and teeth, solid
muscle, a great uniform and stuff. Captain Quirk is an ambitious
and opportunistic sycophant, slithering his way towards the upper
echelons of the StarCon hierarchy. His dislike of Roger is immense.
Captain Quirk's latest scheme for personal aggrandizement is a clandestine
effort with the Genetix corporation to dump toxic wastes illegally
on planets in the G6 quadrant. He also has designs on Ambassador
Beatrice Wankmeister. |
this thing is cute, a baby Facehugger! After trash pickup at Gangularis,
Roger found this new friend in the Eureka's trash compartment. The
creature attached itself to Roger's face, completing their introduction.
Roger decided to keep the poor beast "for further study".
"Crew, Spike will be a morale booster for all of us. A friend,
Eureka's mascot... Uhhm, hello? Crew?" |
Florence Qwerty - "Flo"
Communications Specialist, Grade 4.
Age: 40 something
Personality profile: Flo is a highly skilled and effective communications
officer - in the rare moments when the mood strikes her. She spends
most of her time on the bridge reading glamour magazines and doing
her nails. Flo has her own set of priorities and will not undertake
any task she deems pointless or beneath her talents. Needless to
say, this has led to a certain amount of friction with her superior
officers in the past. Flo has a bit of difficulty maintaining long-term
relationships with men, but it's not for lack of trying; her trail
of ex-husbands stretches across the galaxy.
Clifford Clifton Crawford
Chief of the Boat, SCS Eureka. Chief engineering officer.
Age: 51
Personality profile: Known to all as "Cliffy" because
of his hobby of attempting to climb nearly vertical mountains. He
is, I am told, not terribly good at the skill; although well-practiced,
his overabundant girth makes it impossible for him to see where
to place his feet... Anyway, more at home with machines than people,
Cliffy spends most of his time puttering about the nooks and crannies
of the engineering section. He's the kind of guy who can fix a warp
motivator with bailing wire and chewing gum, and still make it exceed
rated output by 20%. Cliffy is extremely loyal to those few people
he considers friends, but those who don't know him often find Cliffy
bad-tempered and querulous. |
Rating: Nav/weapons technician, second class.
Age: 102
Personality profile: This is Droole, the reddish-hued humanoid from
the edge of the Gargoyle Cluster. He is a surly and sarcastic navigation/weapons
officer with an itchy trigger finger. Given the chance, Droole will
shoot first and ask questions later. His current posting to the
Eureka is the result of an unfortunate incident involving an unarmed
freighter and a defective com-link. Droole speaks little and says
less, which is fine by me given the fact that he lives up to his
name when he opens his mouth. |
Roger thought it was all over with after he had that run in with
Arnoid on the planet Phleebhut a few years back. This is WD40, sent
after Roger by the Gippazoid Novelty Company for his mailfraud back
in Space Quest 2... WD-40 calls itself a goddess-class Wonderwoman
Droid with a low serial number. But in fact, the womanoid is a DeathStalker
Mark VI Annihilator android from the planet Oakhurst IV. These units
are reported to have a 99.99% kill efficiency. Nonetheless, Roger
managed to disable it somehow. Cliffy reprogrammed her to serve
as a member of the Eureka's crew. WD40 is both cool and efficient,
maintaining a cybernetic aloofness no matter how tense the situation
may be. |
His real name is unknown. It is said that this person works for
the secret Genetix company. Visitors of the Space Bar claimed to
have seen him with Captain Quirk from the SCS Goliath in more than
one occasion. The Eureka has intercepted a transmission of this
person once. There are rumors this guy is a member of the so-called
"Sludge Bandits", but The Truth Is Still Out There. |
Proctormatic 9000 Anticheat droid
A round, metallic, floating enforcer and executioner
rented especially for the StarCon Aptitude Test. So important are
the SAT's to StarCon, that any cheating - or suspected cheating
- is punishable by immediate incineration. The Proctormatic 9000
finds their victims via line-of-sight; it's not terribly efficient,
but does keep their prices way down. As long as the droid can't
see you, you're OK. It's not that StarCon disapproves of cheating,
it's just that the policy is that there is no room in the Fleet
for officers who actually get caught. |
Harry Kerry
(currently undergoing
personal construction)
Colony administrator of Klorox II. |