your own Andromedan Snout!
pigsnout and glasses were originally supplied with Space Quest 3
and I've scanned it for those who don't want to miss out on looking
like a mentally disturbed human piece of waste from Andromeda! Click
here (3 MB) for the PDF file. It's
an image with 300 DPI and its dimensions are 17.15 centimeters wide
and 21.59 high. Print it with a colour printer, paste it onto a
piece of cardboard (I suggest using at least 300 grams paper), use
a pair of scissors to cut out the picture and there you go! The
only thing that's left is your very own death-ray shield. It's a
thin piece of green transparent plastic. Visit your local hobby
shop or office supply store, and I'm sure they can help you. After
that you're ready to roll, Bucko! Please keep in mind that the Chdnarian
race aren't friendly to Andromedans (that's an understatement).
You don't want to run into one of them, they might mistake you for
a real Andromedan.
Promotional badge
found this badge on an eBay auction. It's an official Space
Quest 3 promotional badge dating back to the 1989 era. The
left picture shows the front of the badge, containing the
box art of the game. And the right image confirms its age
as the metal looks all corroded.
I don't
know where it came from but I guess it was handed out on
one of those software fairs. This might well be one of the
last one surviving the hands of time.
mug is a promotional item created for the release of Space Quest
6. It was never released commercially. Too bad huh? Click on the
image for a close up and an alternative picture.
Mandel, designer for Space Quest 6, explains: "There is a separate
bottom section to the mug containing some little bits of stuff.
The stuff is: a block of sponge, a tiny broom, a tiny plunger, a
couple of cardboard "floppy disks," and a whole mess of
silver stars.
second picture: It's blurry, but in the bottom of the mug is a black-and-white
picture of Roger. Written at the bottom of the picture is, "STUCK
ON YOU LIKE ALIEN GOO!" and it's signed, "Roger Wilco."
Beneath Roger's signature is "Space Janitor, Space Quest 6."
Best of Sierra
This is a magazine released by the German CUC division (CUC was
the owner of Sierra On-Line back in 1998). Each edition of this
magazine offers a CD with two once popular Sierra titles for a bottom
price (DM 14,90 which is about $7,50). It covers reviews and offers
complete game solutions for the game supplied on the CD. To your
left you see a scan of the fourth edition (released in January/February
1998). It features Space Quest 6 and Lode Runner. You can click
on the cover for a close up (104 KB).
that time almost every computer was fast enough to trigger the famous
problems one encounters when playing Space Quest 6, like the installation
crash and the Sickbay error 47 thing. I was surprised to find an
article which helps you through these problems. The CD (which includes
the German version of Sq6, complete with German speech no less)
also includes two savegames to help you through the Sickbay Error
47. There's an extensive article about the Space Quest Series in
there, with colour screen shots of all the games and even the SQ7
promo movie. Interesting is that Space Quest 7 wasn't cancelled
when this magazine was printed. The game was expected for release
later that year and is mentioned in the article. The same article
contains a cool photograph of Scott Murphy, with presumably the
Sierra building in the background. The walk through of Space Quest
6 is huge, very cool read indeed.
rest of the magazine is filled with uninteresting reviews of upcoming
Sierra games and your usual adverts and editorial ramblings.
Space Quest 6 Images
picture is made by Chris Willis, who worked as an artist for
Sierra during a 7 year period. It was an idea for the Space
Quest 6 box cover. However, it was rejected. Click on the
image for a close up. |
is another rejected idea for the Space Quest 6 box art, originally
appearing in an issue of Sierra's InterAction. I've got this
picture from the Virtual
Broomcloset. |
word: Yuck! This picture is from the Sierra website... From
the year 1996! Innard Space was the working title of Space
Quest 6. Eventually it was decided to name the game "The
Spinal Frontier". Click on the image for a close up. |
cool logo indeed. Looks crappy by today's standards, but cool
none the less. This picture is from the Sierra website...
From the year 1996! Click on the image for a close up. |
will make a cool desktop wallpaper! Mind, the image is huge.
Surprise your friends and show it to your girlfriend. She
will appreciate it for sure. This picture comes from the Sierra
website... From the year 1996! |
is a scan from the Oxford Dictionary. It explains just perfectly
why the Two Guys named Roger Roger... And not Bill or George. Click
here (36 KB).
Hint Letters
used to answer hint requests quite personally. Of course, it did
contain the usual "standard reply elements" - Like "you
can also buy this hint book for only $9.95". To top things
off, letter would be signed with a signature by the person who sent
the letter. They don't offer hint support like that anymore. I have
two letters you might want to see. Just to show you how things happened
in the early days, when Sierra still cared about its customer.
hint letter 1/3 (196 KB)
1990 hint letter 2/3
(216 KB)
1990 hint letter 3/3
(160 KB)
hint letter 1/3 (132 KB)
1992 hint letter 2/3
(228 KB)
1992 hint letter 3/3
(48 KB)
Quest in the media!
Players Encyclopedia of Pc Games Volume Two (released around Spring
1991) features an article about Space Quest 4, one of the hottest
games around. Here's
the cover of the magazine (168 KB),
and here is
the article (reprinted in InterAction Summer 1991).
The June 2004
issue (#239) of "Computer Gaming World" has a feature
called "The most Overrated/Underrated Hero". As you might
have guessed, the underrated Hero of that issue is none other than
Roger Wilco! Check out
this scan (124 KB).
Issue 2 of the
Retro Gamer Magazine has an interesting article called "Top
Ten Working Class Heroes", which includes Roger Wilco. Click
here (296 KB) for the scan. An
interesting detail: the guys at Retro Gamer used art work from the
SQ7.Org project.